Personal and Company Life of Dr. Rania Ayat Hawayek

The Arabia Times: Explain your background and your Company’s in detail.

Dr. Rania Ayat Hawayek: I am Dr. Rania Ayat Hawayek, the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Circle Care Clinic. My journey in the medical field has been one of passion and dedication. I originally hail from Lebanon, but I grew up in the vibrant city of Dubai. I pursued my medical education in London and then returned to Dubai in 2009, driven by my commitment to serve the community that I call home.

My approach to healthcare is rooted in treating the whole person. I firmly believe that well-being extends beyond the physical realm and encompasses mental and social aspects. This philosophy led me to focus on pediatric care, with a special interest in areas like Gastroesophageal Reflux and feeding difficulties in newborns and infants. My goal is not just to treat illnesses, but to educate and empower parents and children to actively participate in their health journey.

The establishment of Circle Care Clinic in December 2019 was a culmination of my vision for redefining family care. This clinic is an embodiment of patient-centeredness and comprehensive care. It puts the child at its core and extends its services to cater to the entire family’s health needs. Our clinic aims to be a one-stop solution, making quality healthcare accessible and convenient.

Background of Circle Care Clinic:

Circle Care Clinic is a testament to our commitment to delivering exceptional healthcare services. Our clinic was founded with the mission of providing comprehensive and compassionate healthcare to individuals and families. We believe in promoting health and wellness within the community we serve.

Our unique model places the child’s health at the forefront. We have expanded our services to include specialties like Family Medicine, Orthopedics, Women’s Health, General Medicine, Radiology, and more, all working together to provide holistic care. Our growth continues with plans to expand into areas like Gynecology, Dermatology, and ENT, ensuring that we continuously enhance our offerings.

The clinic’s commitment to patient-centered care, community outreach, and leveraging technology for better patient experiences has established us as a trusted healthcare institution. Our digital initiatives, engagement across social media platforms, and strong partnerships in the Dubai ecosystem underscore our dedication to health awareness, patient engagement, and customer happiness.

Strengths and Goals of Dr. Rania Ayat Hawayek

The Arabia Times: What are your goals?

Dr. Rania Ayat Hawayek: My goals encompass a holistic approach to healthcare that goes beyond simply treating illnesses. Here are some of my key goals:

  1. Comprehensive Paediatric Care: My foremost goal is to provide comprehensive care to children, addressing their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. I want to empower parents and children with the knowledge and tools they need to lead healthy lives.
  2. Family-Centered Approach: I aim to extend healthcare services to the entire family. By offering specialties that cater to various family members, I want to create a healthcare environment where families can receive all their medical needs under one roof.
  3. Preventive Healthcare: Preventive care is vital for maintaining long-term health. I am dedicated to promoting wellness and disease prevention through regular check-ups, vaccinations, and health education.
  4. Patient Education: Education is a cornerstone of good health. I want to provide patients and their families with the information they need to make informed decisions about their health and wellness.
  5. Community Impact: Circle Care Clinic isn’t just a healthcare facility; it’s a hub for community health. I want to continue fostering relationships with the community, schools, non-profit organizations, and other partners to create a healthier environment for everyone.
  6. Technological Advancements: Embracing technology is essential for improving patient care. I aim to integrate advanced medical technologies and digital solutions into our services to enhance diagnosis, treatment, and overall patient experience.
  7. Continuous Improvement: I am committed to continuous improvement in all aspects of our clinic. This includes refining patient care processes, staff training, facilities, and incorporating patient feedback to enhance our services continually.
  8. Positive Patient Experience: I aspire to create an environment where patients feel respected, heard, and cared for. A positive patient experience contributes to better health outcomes and overall satisfaction.
  9. Thought Leadership: Through active engagement on social media and collaborations with educational institutions, I want to contribute to health awareness and discussions about the evolving field of family and paediatric care.
  10. Wellness Advocacy: Beyond medical treatments, I want to advocate for overall wellness, including mental health awareness, balanced nutrition, and healthy lifestyles for both children and their families.

Ultimately, my goals revolve around creating a positive impact on the health and well-being of the community we serve. I am driven by the belief that healthcare should not only address medical concerns but also empower individuals and families to lead healthy and fulfilling lives.

The Arabia Times: What do you feel is the biggest strength of “circlecareclinic” right now?

Dr. Rania Ayat Hawayek: The greatest strength of Circle Care Clinic lies in its patient-centered approach to healthcare. Our unwavering commitment to putting patients and their families at the core of our services sets us apart and drives our success. This patient-centric philosophy permeates every aspect of our clinic and manifests in several key ways:

Comprehensive and Tailored Care: We offer a diverse range of medical specialties under one roof, designed to cater to patients of all ages and health needs.

Holistic Wellness: We recognize that health is not just the absence of illness but a state of overall well-being. Therefore, we emphasize preventive care, patient education, and wellness initiatives to empower families to lead healthier lives.

Patient Engagement: We actively engage with our patients through various digital platforms, including social media and our website. This engagement fosters a sense of community and allows us to address patient concerns, answer questions, and share relevant health information.

Partnerships and Collaboration: Our strong partnerships with academic institutions, sports teams, non-profit organizations, and influencers demonstrate our commitment to a holistic healthcare ecosystem.

Continuous Improvement: We value feedback from our patients and continuously strive to enhance our services. Regular employee engagement surveys, performance evaluations, and the integration of technological advancements exemplify our dedication to improvement.

Accessible and Convenient Services: Our hub-and-spoke model ensures that quality healthcare is accessible to a wider population. Additionally, services like at-home blood collection and telemedicine exemplify our commitment to convenience and patient comfort.

Trust and Transparency: Our emphasis on patient testimonials, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and Q&A sessions establishes transparency and builds trust with our patients.

Our patient-centered philosophy is the foundation upon which we build our reputation and make a positive impact on the health and happiness of the community we serve.

Path Took by Dr. Rania Ayat Hawayek

The Arabia Times: What was the path you took to get to where you are today?

Dr. Rania Ayat Hawayek: My journey to becoming the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Circle Care Clinic has been a transformative and fulfilling one. It has been marked by education, experience, and an unyielding passion for delivering comprehensive healthcare and making a positive impact on the community.

It all began with my pursuit of a medical degree in London, where I gained a solid foundation in medical knowledge and clinical skills. This education laid the groundwork for my career in healthcare.

After completing my medical education, I returned to Dubai in 2009, bringing back the skills and insights I had gained abroad. I embarked on my professional journey by practicing paediatrics in the primary care and community setting. This experience allowed me to connect with patients and understand their diverse needs.

My passion for providing comprehensive care took root during these early years, when I realized that true wellness involves addressing not only physical ailments but also mental and emotional aspects. This led me to focus on areas such as Gastroesophageal Reflux and Feeding Difficulties in newborns and infants, where I saw the potential to make a significant difference in children’s lives and those of their families.

Over time, I developed a vision for redefining family care. I wanted to create a healthcare environment that offered a comprehensive range of services, catered to every family member, and emphasized preventive care and patient education. This vision became the driving force behind Circle Care Clinic.

This vision became a reality in 2019, by founding Circle Care Clinic. With a team of dedicated professionals, I established a healthcare institution that reflects my commitment to holistic wellness, patient-centered care, and community well-being.

My journey continues with a commitment to ongoing learning, staying updated with the latest medical advancements, technology, and patient engagement strategies. I believe these, as well as the power of innovation, to be essential to providing the best possible care.

Every step has been guided by a commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of individuals and families, and I am excited to continue this journey of growth, learning, and community service.

Ethical Concerns in Healthcare

The Arabia Times: What do you believe are the most significant ethical concerns in healthcare today?

Dr. Rania Ayat Hawayek: In today’s complex healthcare landscape, several significant ethical concerns arise due to advancements in medical technology, evolving patient expectations, and the need for equitable and compassionate care. As a healthcare professional, I believe the following are among the most pressing ethical concerns:

Patient Autonomy and Informed Consent: Respecting patients’ autonomy and ensuring their informed consent for medical procedures or treatments is paramount. The challenge lies in balancing a patient’s right to make decisions about their own care with the responsibility to provide accurate and understandable information.

Resource Allocation and Equity: The equitable distribution of limited healthcare resources poses ethical challenges. Deciding how to allocate resources fairly while considering factors like patient need, potential benefits, and societal impact requires careful consideration and transparency.

Privacy and Data Security: The increasing use of digital health records and telemedicine raises concerns about patient privacy and data security. Healthcare providers must ensure the confidentiality of patient information and adhere to ethical guidelines while embracing technological advancements.

Access to Care and Health Disparities: Ensuring equitable access to quality healthcare remains a significant challenge. Addressing health disparities among different populations requires ethical considerations in resource allocation, healthcare policy, and community outreach.

Conflicts of Interest: Balancing the interests of patients and financial considerations within the healthcare system can lead to conflicts of interest. Maintaining transparency and avoiding situations that compromise patient care are crucial ethical imperatives.

Healthcare Professional Well-Being: The well-being of healthcare professionals is often overlooked but is essential for delivering optimal patient care. Ethical concerns arise when balancing patient needs with the well-being of medical professionals, including concerns about burnout and mental health.

Medical Technology and Innovation: The rapid pace of medical technology innovation raises ethical questions about safety, the potential for bias in algorithms, and the implications of AI-driven diagnostics and treatments. Ensuring that technology benefits patients without compromising their well-being is crucial.

Cultural Competence and Respect: Providing culturally sensitive care is vital in our diverse society. Ethical challenges may arise when healthcare providers must navigate different cultural beliefs and practices while delivering effective and respectful care.

Transparency and Truthfulness: Honesty and transparency between healthcare providers and patients are fundamental. Ethical concerns emerge when balancing the truth with patient well-being, especially in situations where disclosing information may cause harm.

Addressing these ethical concerns requires ongoing dialogue, collaboration, and adherence to established ethical guidelines and principles. As healthcare professionals, it’s our responsibility to navigate these complexities while prioritizing patient well-being, equity, and ethical integrity.

Challenges faced by Dr. Rania Ayat Hawayek

The Arabia Times: What have been the biggest challenges you’ve had to overcome during the journey of your leadership?

Dr. Rania Ayat Hawayek: Throughout my leadership journey at Circle Care Clinic, I have encountered and overcome several significant challenges. These challenges have shaped both my leadership style and the direction of the clinic:

Establishing Credibility: As a relatively new healthcare facility, one of the initial challenges was establishing credibility and trust within the community. Building a reputation for providing quality care and patient satisfaction required persistent efforts, consistent patient-centric practices, and transparent communication.

Navigating Uncertainty: The healthcare landscape is constantly evolving, and new challenges arise unexpectedly. Navigating uncertainty, such as adapting to changes in healthcare regulations or unexpected events like the COVID-19 pandemic, required agility, quick decision-making, and a focus on patient and staff safety.

Balancing Growth and Quality: As Circle Care Clinic expanded its services and offerings, ensuring that growth did not compromise the quality of patient care was a delicate balance. I had to closely manage this expansion to maintain our high standards while meeting growing patient demands.

Cultural Sensitivity: Dubai is a culturally diverse city with patients from various backgrounds. Ensuring cultural sensitivity and delivering patient-centered care while respecting diverse beliefs and practices required ongoing training and an adaptable approach.

Employee Engagement: Fostering a positive work environment, maintaining employee morale, and ensuring consistent team collaboration were ongoing challenges. Addressing these required open communication, regular feedback sessions, and team-building activities.

Patient Engagement in Digital Age: In an increasingly digital world, engaging patients effectively across various digital platforms while maintaining a personal touch was a challenge. This required developing creative and informative content while responding to patient inquiries promptly.

Managing Work-Life Balance: The responsibilities of leadership can be demanding, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance while being fully present for my family and personal well-being was and continues to be a challenge. Prioritizing self-care and time management became essential.

Overcoming Resistance to Change: Introducing new technologies, processes, or initiatives sometimes met with resistance from staff members accustomed to traditional methods. Overcoming resistance requires effective communication, highlighting the benefits of change, and providing the necessary training and support.

Community Engagement: Building strong relationships with the community and fostering trust requires consistent effort. Engaging with schools, non-profit organizations, and other community partners demands strategic collaboration and effective communication.

Ensuring Patient Satisfaction: Maintaining high patient satisfaction in every aspect of their experience, from clinical care to administrative interactions, is a challenge. This requirs regular feedback collection, addressing concerns promptly, and continuously refining our services.

These challenges, though demanding, have been valuable opportunities for growth and learning. They have reinforced the importance of adaptability, transparent communication, a patient-centered approach, and an unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional healthcare services. Each challenge has propelled me to further refine my leadership skills and ensure that Circle Care Clinic remains a trusted name in comprehensive and compassionate healthcare.

Knowledge about Circle Care Clinic

The Arabia Times: How do you approach building and maintaining long-term relationships with your patients in a family medicine setting?

Dr. Rania Ayat Hawayek: Building and maintaining long-term relationships with patients in a family medicine setting is at the core of what we do at Circle Care Clinic. Here’s how we approach it:

  1. Personalized Care: We believe in treating each patient as an individual with unique healthcare needs. Our family healthcare approach focuses on understanding the patient’s medical history, lifestyle, and preferences, allowing us to tailor our care to their specific circumstances.
  2. Continuity of Care: We emphasize continuity by assigning a primary care physician to each patient. This fosters a consistent relationship, as patients have the opportunity to see the same doctor for most of their medical needs. This familiarity promotes trust and open communication.
  3. Comprehensive Health Records: Maintaining detailed and accurate electronic health records ensures that we have a comprehensive view of each patient’s health history. This enables us to provide more effective care, track progress, and anticipate potential health issues.
  4. Preventive Care: We focus on preventive measures, offering regular check-ups and screenings. This proactive approach not only ensures early detection of potential health concerns but also demonstrates our commitment to their overall well-being.
  5. Patient Education: Educating patients about their health conditions, treatment options, and preventive measures empowers them to make informed decisions. We take time to explain medical concepts in simple terms, fostering a sense of ownership over their health.
  6. Listening and Empathy: Actively listening to our patients’ concerns and demonstrating empathy are essential components of building trust. We create an environment where patients feel comfortable sharing their worries and asking questions.
  7. Open Communication: Clear and transparent communication is key. We encourage patients to ask questions and voice their concerns. In turn, we provide honest and thorough explanations, ensuring they understand their conditions and treatment plans.
  8. Follow-Up: Following up after appointments or treatments shows our genuine concern for their well-being. Whether through phone calls, emails, or messages, we maintain contact to check on their progress and address any issues.
  9. Community Engagement: Beyond medical care, we engage with our patients through community events, educational workshops, and online platforms. This strengthens our bond and positions us as a healthcare resource they can rely on.


  1. Flexibility and Convenience: We offer flexible scheduling, including same-day appointments and telemedicine options. This convenience enhances patient satisfaction and makes accessing healthcare easier.
  2. Whole-Family Approach: Since we cater to the entire family, we have the opportunity to build relationships across generations. This deepens our connection with the community and fosters a sense of belonging.

Ultimately, our approach to building and maintaining long-term relationships with patients in a family medicine setting revolves around personalized, comprehensive, and compassionate care. By focusing on their well-being and treating them as valued partners in their healthcare journey, we aim to be a trusted healthcare home for families throughout their lives.

Strategies of Dr. Rania Ayat Hawayek

The Arabia Times: Can you discuss your strategies for promoting mental health awareness and support within your family healthcare practice?

Dr. Rania Ayat Hawayek : Promoting mental health awareness and providing support within our family healthcare practice at Circle Care Clinic is a priority aligned with our holistic approach to healthcare. Here are the strategies we employ:

  1. Integrated Care: We recognize the interconnection between physical and mental health. During regular check-ups, we inquire about patients’ emotional well-being, stressors, and any signs of anxiety or depression.
  2. Routine Screening: We incorporate routine mental health screenings into our patient assessments. This helps us identify early signs of mental health concerns and initiate timely interventions.
  3. Patient Education: We provide educational materials on mental health, emphasizing its importance and debunking myths. Through our social media platforms, website, and waiting areas, we share informative content to raise awareness.
  4. Open Dialogue: We create a safe and nonjudgmental space for patients to discuss their mental health concerns. Our healthcare providers actively listen and validate patients’ experiences, fostering open dialogue.
  5. Referrals: For patients requiring specialized mental health care, we offer referrals to mental health professionals. This collaborative approach ensures that patients receive the appropriate support.
  6. Lifestyle Guidance: We emphasize the impact of lifestyle factors on mental well-being. Our healthcare providers offer guidance on stress management, sleep hygiene, exercise, and nutrition.
  7. Supportive Environment: Our clinic environment is designed to be soothing and welcoming. This helps reduce the stigma around mental health and encourages patients to seek help without hesitation.
  8. Staff Training: Our healthcare providers and staff receive training on recognizing signs of mental distress and responding empathetically. This ensures that everyone in the clinic is equipped to support patients effectively.
  9. Community Workshops: We organize workshops on mental health topics, such as stress management, mindfulness, and coping strategies. These workshops are open to the community and contribute to destigmatizing mental health conversations.
  10. Collaboration with Specialists: We collaborate with mental health professionals to offer integrated care for patients with both physical and mental health concerns. This ensures a comprehensive and coordinated approach to their well-being.

By implementing these strategies, we aim to normalize conversations about mental health, provide a supportive environment, and ensure that our patients receive comprehensive care for their overall well-being. Our commitment to mental health awareness aligns with our mission of providing holistic and compassionate healthcare to individuals and families at every stage of life.

The Arabia Times: How do you ensure effective communication with patients from diverse backgrounds and varying levels of health literacy?

Dr. Rania Ayat Hawayek: Ensuring effective communication with patients from diverse backgrounds and varying levels of health literacy is a priority at Circle Care Clinic. We recognize that clear communication is essential for building trust, promoting understanding, and delivering high-quality healthcare. Here’s how we achieve it:

  1. Culturally Competent Care: We train our healthcare providers to be culturally sensitive and aware of cultural differences that may influence communication styles and healthcare beliefs. This helps us tailor our communication to the specific cultural context of each patient.
  2. Use of Plain Language: We avoid medical jargon and use plain language when explaining medical conditions, procedures, and treatment plans. This ensures that patients with varying levels of health literacy can understand and make informed decisions about their care.
  3. Visual Aids: Visual aids, such as diagrams, charts, and videos, are powerful tools for enhancing understanding, especially for patients with lower health literacy. These aids help simplify complex medical concepts.
  4. Teach-Back Method: After providing information, we encourage patients to summarize what they’ve understood using their own words. This technique helps us identify any misunderstandings and correct them promptly.
  5. Multilingual Staff and Materials: Having multilingual staff members and translated materials available ensures that language barriers are minimized. Patients feel more comfortable discussing their health concerns in their preferred language.
  6. Active Listening: We listen carefully to our patients’ questions and concerns. This not only helps us understand their needs but also conveys our respect for their input.
  7. Ask-Clarify-Teach Approach: We ask patients about their understanding of the information provided, clarify any misunderstandings, and then teach again if needed. This cycle ensures that patients are well-informed.
  8. Customized Communication: Patients have different preferred methods of communication, whether it’s in-person, over the phone, through email, or via video calls. We accommodate these preferences to facilitate better communication.
  9. Patient Advocates: We offer patient advocates or family members the option to be present during consultations. This support can aid patients in comprehending medical information.
  10. Health Literacy Education: We conduct educational workshops on health literacy, both within the clinic and in the community. These sessions empower patients to become more informed healthcare consumers.
  11. Written Materials: We provide written instructions and materials in clear and simple language. This allows patients to review the information at their own pace.
  12. Respectful Tone: Our communication is always respectful and patient-centered. Patients are more likely to ask questions and engage in conversations when they feel respected and valued.

By employing these strategies, we ensure that effective communication transcends language barriers and health literacy levels. Our goal is to empower every patient to make informed decisions about their health, regardless of their background or literacy level.

Vision for Company by Dr. Rania Ayat Hawayek

The Arabia Times: What do you value the most about the vision for Circle Care Clinic?

Dr. Rania Ayat Hawayek: What I value most about the Circle Care Clinic vision is its unwavering commitment to holistic and patient-centered care. This vision resonates deeply with my beliefs as a healthcare professional and aligns with the principles that guide our clinic’s operations. Several aspects of the Circle Care Clinic vision stand out and hold immense value:

  1. Comprehensive Approach: The vision recognizes that health is multi-dimensional and encompasses not only physical well-being but also mental, emotional, and social aspects.
  2. Patient-Centered Care: Placing the patient at the center of our services is a core value. This means not only addressing their immediate medical needs but also considering their preferences, values, and goals when devising treatment plans.
  3. Holistic Wellness: The emphasis on promoting health and wellness within the community speaks to the clinic’s commitment to preventive care. Preventing health issues before they arise is a powerful strategy for improving overall community well-being.
  4. Collaboration and Partnerships: The vision’s emphasis on building strong relationships with patients, families, healthcare partners, and the community reflects a commitment to working together for the betterment of health outcomes.
  5. Continuous Improvement: The dedication to continuously evaluate and improve healthcare services and practices is crucial for staying aligned with evolving medical advancements and patient needs.
  6. Accessibility and Flexibility: The commitment to providing accessible and flexible care, including telemedicine options and at-home blood collection, showcases our responsiveness to patients’ needs and comfort.
  7. Innovation and Technology: The vision’s integration of technology and innovation underscores our commitment to leveraging advancements for improved patient experiences and outcomes.
  8. Community Engagement: The focus on community engagement through education, workshops, and collaborations demonstrates a commitment to being a healthcare resource beyond our clinic walls.
  9. Mental Health and Wellness: The recognition of mental health as an integral part of overall well-being aligns with the growing awareness of the importance of mental health support.
  10. Patient Testimonials and Q&A: The vision’s inclusion of patient testimonials and Q&A sessions showcases transparency and reinforces our dedication to patient satisfaction.

In summary, the Circle Care Clinic vision encapsulates values that are integral to delivering healthcare that is not just clinical but also compassionate, empowering, and holistic. It embodies the ideals of a healthcare facility that not only treats illnesses but also nurtures well-being and promotes a healthier, happier community.

The Arabia Times: How do you see the company changing in two years, and how do you see yourself creating that change?

Dr. Rania Ayat Hawayek: In the next two years, I envision Circle Care Clinic undergoing several transformative changes to further enhance patient care and community impact. As the Founder and CEO, I am committed to driving these changes through strategic leadership and innovative initiatives. Here’s how I see the company evolving and my role in creating that change:

  1. Enhanced Specializations: We will continue expanding our range of medical specialties to offer a more comprehensive array of services. This growth will include adding specialties like Gynaecology, Endocrinology, Neurology Cardiology, and others, enabling us to cater to an even wider range of health needs within the community.
  2. Technological Integration: Over the next two years, we will embrace more advanced technologies to improve patient experiences. Telemedicine will play a larger role in providing convenient and accessible care. I will lead the integration of these technologies, ensuring they align with our patient-centric approach.
  3. Patient Engagement: I see us further leveraging digital platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn to engage with our patients and community. I will spearhead campaigns and content creation that educate, inform, and inspire people to prioritize their health and well-being.
  4. Holistic Wellness Programs: We will introduce comprehensive wellness programs that combine medical expertise with lifestyle guidance. As the leader of Circle Care Clinic, I will design and oversee these programs to ensure they cater to the diverse health needs of our patients.
  5. Community Partnerships: Our collaborations with academic institutions, non-profit organizations, and influencers will continue to grow. I will actively seek out partnerships that align with our mission, expanding our reach and community impact.
  6. Patient-Centric Facilities: We are planning to optimize our physical locations for a more patient-centered experience. I will be involved in designing these spaces to ensure they reflect our commitment to comfort and convenience.
  7. Continuous Learning: As a leader, I will lead by example in promoting a culture of continuous learning and development among our staff. This will involve organizing regular training sessions, workshops, and educational opportunities to keep our team updated with the latest medical advancements.
  8. Patient Feedback Integration: I see us implementing more effective systems for collecting patient feedback and using that feedback to drive improvements. I will ensure that patient voices are heard and that their suggestions contribute to positive changes within the clinic.
  9. Adaptation and Innovation: Above all, I will remain adaptable and open to innovation. The healthcare landscape is dynamic, and my role is to guide the clinic through change while staying true to our core values of patient-centered care and community well-being.

The next two years will see Circle Care Clinic evolving into a more technologically advanced, patient-engaged, and comprehensive healthcare institution. As the CEO, my role will involve strategic planning, innovative thinking, and a steadfast commitment to our mission of redefining family care and promoting holistic wellness.

Latest Developments by Dr. Rania Ayat Hawayek

The Arabia Times: How do you stay updated on the latest developments and trends in the field of healthcare and medicine?

Dr. Rania Ayat Hawayek: Staying updated on the latest developments and trends in the field of healthcare and medicine is essential for providing the best care to patients and leading Circle Care Clinic effectively. I ensure I stay informed about the latest advancements by regularly reading peer-reviewed medical journals, publications, and research papers, participating in CME programs and conferences and subscribing to reputable online medical platforms and databases. Furthermore, being an active member of medical associations and societies keeps me connected with fellow professionals and provides access to resources, webinars, and workshops.

Also, following reputable healthcare news outlets and attending technology and innovation conferences allows me to explore how advancements such as telemedicine, AI, and digital health are transforming healthcare.

Regularly collaborating with specialists in various fields keeps me informed about cross-disciplinary approaches and new treatment options, while implementing regular learning sessions within the clinic ensures that our staff is updated about medical advancements and protocols.

Contributing to thought leadership platforms, seminars, and webinars allows me to share insights while learning from the experiences of others.

Staying updated is not only a professional responsibility but a commitment to providing the best care to our patients. It enables me to lead Circle Care Clinic effectively, guiding our team to deliver high-quality, informed, and compassionate healthcare services.

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